Університет Вальядоліду запрошує на навчання аспірантів

erasmus experience valladolid spainУніверситет Вальядоліду (University of Valladolid, Spain) запрошує на навчання аспірантів на  період  від 4 до 9 місяців, стипендія 1200 євро.


University of Valladolid opens a call to invite 5 PhD Ukrainian students for 4 months (can be extended up to 5 months more) Each month the stipend is 1200 €/month.

Documentation needed:

  1. invitation letter from UVa
  2. proof that student is enrolled during the academic year 2021-22 in a PhD program at a university or research center in a conflict zone in Ukraine.
  3. Photocopy of the applicant's passport (in force)
  4. Justification of the impossibility of continuing their studies in the country in conflict and the convenience of their convenience of the stay, explaining their socioeconomic situation (in English).
  5. Description of the status of the doctoral student's research project and proposal of activities planned during the stay, with the approval of the student's tutor in Ukraine. (In English).

Deadline July 15th. Forestry department wants the document till next Friday.

Last modified on Thursday, 07 July 2022 07:54

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