

До уваги науково-педагогічних працівників НЛТУ України

Національний лісотехнічний університет України і

Університет Бартіна (Туреччина)

оголошують конкурс

на здобуття стипендій для стажування та викладання

в Університеті Бартіна за програмою Євросоюзу Еразмус+ (напрям КА1)

Конкурс оголошується на здобуття:

  • 3 стипендії для стажування науково-педагогічних працівників (staff mobility for training/ staff mobility for teaching), тривалість – п’ять днів кожна;

Галузі знань:

0722 – Materials;

0821 – Forestry (Forest Engineering).

Мова – англійська.

Період реалізації мобільності – до 30.07.2024 р.

У разі радіаційної аварії:

Зайдіть всередину будівлі та сховайтеся щонайменше на 24 години.

Залишайтеся всередині, щоб зменшити вплив радіації, закрийте вікна та двері. 

Слідкуйте за оновленнями, щоб отримати важливу інформацію про те, як захистити вас і вашу родину.

1. Важливо якомога швидше видалити радіоактивний матеріал зі свого тіла, щоб знизити ризик заподіяння шкоди. 

Зніміть верхній шар одягу, таким чином можна видалити до 90% радіоактивного матеріалу. Покладіть одяг у поліетиленовий пакет або інший контейнер, що закривається, і помістіть його в недоступне місце, подалі від інших людей і домашніх тварин.


Якщо ви можете прийняти душ- використовуйте теплу воду, обережно вимийтеся великою кількістю мила і води. Не ошпарюйте, не тріть і не дряпайте шкіру. Ваша шкіра допомагає захистити внутрішні органи вашого тіла від радіоактивних матеріалів.

Вимийте волосся шампунем або милом. Не використовуйте кондиціонер, оскільки це призведе до прилипання радіоактивного матеріалу до вашого волосся.

Під час миття закривайте порізи та садна пластирем, щоб уникнути потрапляння радіоактивного матеріалу у відкриті рани.

Якщо ви не можете прийняти душ-

Вимийте руки, обличчя та частини тіла, які були непокриті одягом. Використовуйте мило та багато води.

Якщо у вас немає доступу до душу, скористайтеся вологою серветкою, чистою мокрою тканиною або вологим паперовим рушником, щоб витерти частини тіла, які були відкриті. Особливу увагу приділіть своїм рукам і обличчю.

Обережно висмаркайтесь, протріть повіки, вії та вуха вологою серветкою, чистою мокрою тканиною. 

Покладіть використані серветки, тканину чи рушник у поліетиленовий пакет або інший контейнер, який закривається, і помістіть пакет у недоступне місце, подалі від інших людей і домашніх тварин.

3. Одягніть чистий одяг

Оберіть одяг у шафі чи ящику, подалі від радіоактивних матеріалів, безпечний для носіння.

Якщо у вас немає чистого одягу, зніміть верхній шар одягу, струсіть або почистіть одяг, прикриваючи ніс і рот, і знову одягніть одяг.

Можливо, вам доведеться залишити свій дім чи територію (евакуюватися) або піти до притулку для надзвичайних ситуацій чи громадського центру прийому. Залишайтеся всередині, доки не буде надано наказ про евакуацію. Слідкуйте за оновленнями, доки офіційні особи не повідомлять вам, що у вашій місцевості евакуювалися.

4. Коли евакуюватися?

Кожна ситуація буде різною. Співробітники служби надзвичайних ситуацій враховують багато факторів, щоб переконатися, що евакуація безпечна. Рішення про евакуацію будуть прийматися на основі швидкості та напрямку вітру, розміру та масштабу стихійного лиха, рівня радіації та того, чи пошкоджені дороги та споруди.

Співробітники служби надзвичайних ситуацій підкажуть вам, коли йти до притулку для надзвичайних ситуацій, де знаходиться притулок і найбезпечніший маршрут подорожі. Дійте швидко та дотримуйтесь інструкцій. Якщо у вас немає зв’язку- вам слід буде еаакуюватись самостійно у безпечну зону. 

Вимкніть кондиціонер, обігрівач або систему вентиляції у вашому домі та закрийте та замкніть усі вікна та двері, перш ніж вийти, якщо у вас є час.

Якщо ви евакуюєтеся на автомобілі, тримайте вікна закритими, а систему вентиляції вимкненою.

Укриття мають бути розташовані подалі від зон з високим рівнем радіації.

Вам слід взяти ваш тривожний наплечник, документи, ключі, необхідні речі, гроші, змінний одяг та ліки. 

Евакуація з домашніми тваринами

Домашні тварини не будуть допускатися до жодного притулку, доки їх не вимиють для видалення радіоактивного матеріалу.

Якщо ви евакуюєтеся з домашньою твариною, візьміть із собою клітку, повідок, їжу, ліки та ветеринарну документацію, у тому числі записи про щеплення.

Повернення додому після евакуації

Не повертайтеся, поки влада не скаже вам, що це безпечно. Спроба повернутися, перш ніж це стане безпечним, наражає вас і вашу родину на небезпеку, а рятувальники не можуть безпечно виконувати свою роботу.

Місце та ступінь радіоактивного забруднення встановлюватимуть радіологи та працівники МНС. Реагувальники візьмуть зразки повітря, ґрунту, їжі та води в зоні ураження, щоб знайти зони з небезпечним рівнем радіації.


Їжте їжу в закритих контейнерах (банках, пляшках, коробках тощо). Незіпсована їжа у вашому холодильнику чи морозильній камері, коморі, ящику також безпечна для споживання.

Протріть контейнери з харчовими продуктами вологою ганчіркою або чистим рушником, перш ніж відкривати їх. Помістіть використану тканину або рушник у поліетиленовий пакет або інший контейнер, який закривається, і помістіть пакет у недоступне місце, подалі від інших людей і домашніх тварин.

Перед використанням протріть прилавки, місця, каструлі та посуд вологою ганчіркою або чистим рушником.

Не збирайте та не їжте їжу зі свого саду та городу, доки працівники служби надзвичайних ситуацій не вирішать, що це безпечно.

Безпека води

Фахівці перевірять запаси питної води, щоб переконатися, що вони безпечні. Поки ці результати не будуть доступні, бутильована вода є єдиною водою, яка не забруднена.

Кип’ятіння водопровідної води не позбавляє від радіоактивного матеріалу. Ви повинні мати бутильовану воду у своїх запасах для надзвичайних ситуацій.

Ви можете пити воду, соки та інші напої в закритих ємностях. Напої у вашому холодильнику чи морозильній камері також безпечні для вживання. 

Пакет захищає рідину всередині від радіоактивних матеріалів.

Якщо ви вважаєте, що зовні контейнер або упаковка може містити радіоактивний матеріал, скористайтеся вологою тканиною або чистим рушником, щоб витерти їх, перш ніж відкривати. Старайтесь користуватись рукавицями для користування побутовими речами. 

Вода в інших контейнерах у вашому домі, таких як туалетний бачок або водонагрівач, також не містить радіоактивних матеріалів.

Навіть якщо водопровідна вода забруднена, ви все одно можете використовувати її для миття та знезараження. Будь-який радіоактивний матеріал, який потрапляє в поверхневі або підземні джерела води, буде розбавлений водою до дуже низьких рівнів і буде безпечним для використання для миття шкіри, волосся та одягу.

Навіть якщо водопровідна вода не забруднена, працівники охорони здоров’я можуть рекомендувати вам пити бутильовану воду замість водопровідної.

5. Якщо ви почули сповіщення про евакуацію, одягніть маску, дощовик, рукавиці, бахіли, рукавиці, обмотайте вільні кінці скотчем або мотузкою. Візьміть свої речі, прикриті поліетиленом. Швидко вийдіть із цієї зони. Зайдіть у найближчу безпечну будівлю або в зону, куди вас скерують органи влади. Змініть одяг, помийтесь, повторіть усе як і першого разу.

Після того, як органи влади визначать, що могло відбутися внутрішнє забруднення, ви можете приймати ліки для зменшення радіоактивного матеріалу у вашому тілі.

On June 21, 2023, the Rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr Zahorskyi, and the Chief of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region, Colonel of the Medical Service Volodymyr Kniginitskyi, signed a memorandum of cooperation aimed at solving urgent issues of innovative, institutional, and organizational development of security health and strengthening the capacity of the military medical institution of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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In accordance with the provisions of the Memorandum, it is envisaged to consolidate efforts aimed at joint activities in the preparation of concepts, programs, and plans for the development of health care and medicine, the organization of professional training of employees of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region through training, retraining, specialization, and advanced training in the field of public management and administration, as well as the implementation of joint projects, trainings, conferences, etc.

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Conceptual development, which was repeatedly discussed by the heads of institutions, and working meetings to determine the main areas of cooperation, which took place at the initiative of the head of the Center for Professional Development of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, associate professor Andriy Lipentsev, deputy head of the Center for the Medical Department of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, colonel of the medical service Olga Zachepa, and the head of the surgery clinic, Mykhailo Syroyd, were sealed by signing an official document.

During the meeting, those present shared strategic developments in the work and perspectives and discussed the first joint projects for the rehabilitation of patients with the involvement of the resource potential of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, so that the treatment of patients at the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region was as comfortable and efficient as possible. The meeting ended with mutual hopes for fruitful cooperation and the successful implementation of everything planned. TOGETHER TO VICTORY!

IMG 0363Ukraine and its heroes are known in all civilized countries of the world; they support us and are proud of us; they come to us and are impressed by our beauty; but at the same time, they sympathize with us and are amazed at our endurance, unity, and patriotism. Unfortunately, we hear the expression "Heroes never die" every day, but its meaning is that they really live on in their noble and desperate deeds and the creativity that they left to us.

One of such modern heroes is our Yuriy Ruf, whose patriotism, love of freedom, and creativity led to the Ukrainian National Forestry University. A famous figure, a Frenchman with a Ukrainian soul, and a true patriot of our country, Paul Manandise, who has been actively supporting Ukraine and our army since 2015, informs the world about the war and the real needs of our country and the army.

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Volodymyr Zahorskyi, rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University; Mykola Borys, vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work and international relations; and Ion Dubovych, head of the department of environmental economics and business, met with a special guest to talk about Yury Ruf and to contribute to the continuation of the work started by him. The meeting was very emotional and soulful; they talked about Yuriy Ruf's work, the literary and educational project "Spirit of the Nation", the national idea, and Ukraine in general.

With great interest, Paul Manandiz visited the Memorial of Memory in the Scientific and Technical Library of the National Technical University of Ukraine and got acquainted with the exhibition of Yuri Ruf's works because, during the last year, he has been voicing his poems.

"Ukraine is my paradise!" says Paul Manandise, and in one interview he noted: "Today, the European state Ukraine is on the frontline defending all of Europe, and Europe should thank Ukraine for the fact that its best sons and daughters give their lives for a peaceful Europe. (...) The Ukrainian mentality is very important. Europe is used to individualism. Using the example of Ukraine's volunteer movement and volunteers, Europeans can be reminded that we, the people, are very strong when we are together. And I believe that my mission is to tell the world the truth about Ukraine—about its history, its culture, and its war."

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Lecturers of the Department of History of Ukraine, Economic Theory, and Law, the Department of Botany, Wood Science, and Non-Timber Forest Resources, and employees of the University's Legal Department took part in the Training "Peculiarities of Pretrial Investigation of Criminal Offenses Against the Environment", which was held in Kyiv from May 30 to June 1, 2023. The event was organized by the public union "World Nature Fund of The event was organized by the public union "World Nature Fund of Ukraine" (WWF-Ukraine) as part of the SWIPE (https://stopwildlifecrime.eu/) project. The national report on crimes against wildlife in Ukraine for the period 2015–2020 can be found at the link: https://wwfcee.org/pdf_collections/25/2022-02%20WWF-UA_SWIPE_national%20report_UKR.pdf. One of the organizers of the training was the legal adviser of UNFU, a lawyer and senior expert on socio-political issues at WWF-Ukraine, Sofia Shutyak.

During the training course, the practical aspects of conducting an investigation of criminal offenses affecting the environment and conducting investigative (search) actions taking into account national and international law were considered. The discussion was attended by representatives of customs, law enforcement agencies, the court, the prosecutor's office, the national police, the legal community, the Ministry of Environment, the World Wildlife Fund Ukraine, scientific organizations, and institutions that developed methodological and educational materials for the training.

All Training participants received Certificates of participation in the event.

It should be noted that this year the university licensed a new educational and professional program "Environmental Law", specialty 081 Law, which will allow the training of highly qualified legal specialists capable of solving complex specialized tasks and solving problems in the field of law in practice, protecting and representing the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, in particular in the field of environmental protection.

Yesterday, June 13, the rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Volodymyr Zahorskyi, and the director of the Technical College of UNFU, Roman Dadak, gladly welcomed Viktor Lyseik, a 1986 graduate of the Mechanical Faculty of UNFU, to the walls of his native Alma Mater. He is the commander of the anti-tank guided missile battery of the 24th of the separate mechanized brigade named after King Danylo and a member of the ATO since 2015. However, at the moment, he is not commissioned due to his health.

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With words of gratitude, he came to meet the university administration and volunteers, Lyubov Sheptytska and Maryan Bodnar, our defenders, to whom the university community transferred UAH 70,000 in September 2022 for spine surgery.

Since the beginning of the aggression of the Russian Federation, the forest engineers have been acting unitedly and actively resisting the enemy—some fight at the frontlines, others become reliable rearguards and help. Together to victory!

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From June 5 to 9, 2023, the Super-intensive Block Week 2023 of the Green Project Development Management (GPDM) training course and the Interactive Content (IC) training took place at the Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development (Germany) as part of the international project "Joint Teaching and Learning for Empowerment and Resilience of Ukrainian Academia".


A delegation of participants from the Ukrainian National Forestry University, including the project manager (Vasyl Lavniy), lecturers-developers of the GPDM course (Orest Kiyko, Ihor Solovii), and lecturers-developers of the IC course (Ulyana Pavlyuk, Ihor Kroshnyi, Oleksandr Storozhuk), teachers, and graduate students, had the opportunity to chat live with German colleagues and exchange ideas for future cooperation.

Block Week's program included daily lectures and group practicals, independent work, and participation in collaborative activities including a symposium, public presentations, and wrap-up meetings.

Part of the participants, teachers and students of UNFU, namely Lyuty Pavlo, Volyanyk Halyna, Yaroslav Palyga, and Taras Borovych, joined the work online through BigBlueButton tools and, together with the training team, used the Interactive Content electronic course developed in LMS Moodle.


During the week, six sessions of group work took place, as a result of which participants presented team projects on selected topics (T-Project) and a general team interactive project (X-Project).

Six representatives of the Ukrainian delegation (Yurii Miklush, Nataliya Nalivayko, Olesya Bryn, Solomiya-Iryna Salabai, Nadiya Yurkiv, and Halyna Ortynska) presented group T-projects from Team Forest, Team Eco, and Team Woodworking. The current topics of the presentations and the skillful use of modern technologies and services (H5P, Lumi Education, Google Earth Studio, Canva, etc.) caused a lot of sincere emotions among the German colleagues and the Ukrainian delegation. In their projects, the participants of the IS training presented the advantages of joining the Ukrainian National Forestry University, conducted an overview of the structure of the forest, which allows you to study its components and study biodiversity and ecological importance, and also impressed the audience with an emotional video about the inevitable losses that the war caused to the nature of Ukraine. The community of UNFU had the opportunity to vote for the best interactive video presentation. The winners of the vote were Team Eco, who received a proposal from the university management to use an interactive video for career guidance purposes.

A separate X-project from the IC training delegation was an interactive thank-you video to the organizers from Eberswalde, which combined a huge amount of video footage of the participants of the training course about the most interesting locations from both universities and demonstrated how close our friendly universities are.

In turn, the students of the GPDM course (Risna R., Skrypets S., Chukhna P., Kondratyuk L., Shutyak S., Shvedyuk Y., and Tom Wils) presented the results of their research (individual presentations) on the topics of the seminars of the Block Week program, revealing topical issues of environmentally friendly transformations, "green" workplaces, educational initiatives, "smart" forests, best practices of sustainable forestry management, digital innovations in the forest sector, bioeconomy and biodiversity, combating climate change, etc.

Also, during the week, there were 5 sessions of work in groups, as a result of which GPDM participants presented the main ideas of projects based on the selected topics of tender proposals, key goals in the short- and long-term perspective, the content of work packages, expected results, and mandatory stages of implementation of important tasks. An interesting result of the reports was a lively discussion, debate, Q&A session, and advice from the lecturers of the course, Prof. Orest Kiyka and Prof. Igor Solovia. Intensive work in groups turned out to be incredibly productive, and the results were creative and, no less important for the future cooperation of universities, relevant and promising, as evidenced by the favorable reviews of the project leaders, Prof. Pierre Ibisha and Prof. Vasyl Loveny.

An important mission of Block Week was to expand the areas of work on projects, deepen knowledge of project management, study successful examples of project implementation practices in various fields, and get acquainted with the algorithm for preparing proposals for participation in international grant programs. Working in international groups (together with students from the Ukrainian National Forestry University and the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development) contributed to the establishment of connections, effective interaction, and cultural exchange between the participants of the working groups for further active work on the final versions of presentations on project topics.

The mixed format of teaching GPDM and IC courses, the interesting content, relevance, and practical value of lecture materials, and the intensive Block Week program made it possible to expand cooperation between the two universities, continue existing and develop new directions of scientific research, exchange teaching and learning practices, and jointly implement successful educational and scientific initiatives.

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Also during the week, a working meeting was held for the exchange of experience between the distance learning coordinators of UNFU and Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Moodle team).

As for the project participants, the highlight of Block Week 2023 was the enchanting participation of the Ukrainian delegation in the intercultural evening.


On the last day of their stay at the University of Sustainable Development Eberswalde, the participants had the opportunity to share their personal impressions of the week spent as well as ideas for future cooperation. The collected reflections will help to improve the methodology and technologies of teaching and learning courses and will also open horizons for further practical application of the acquired skills and abilities of the participants in the international project.

Summarizing the above, we are pleased to invite students of NUNFU and Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development to cooperate. We encourage you to follow the announcements on the official information resources of the universities about the start of the Green Project Development & Management course and Interactive Content training and join the community of creative, progressive, motivated, and highly professional young people who are able to make this world a better place.


Within the framework of the XXIV International Exhibition "Woodworking" and the IV All-Ukrainian Forest Industry Forum on the initiative of the rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, member-cor. NAS of Ukraine, prof. Volodymyr Zahorskyi, on June 7, 2023, a working meeting "Industry education: step-by-step approach and cooperation with business" was held.


Representatives of almost twenty specialized pre-higher and professional education institutions met with university management and directors of UNFU educational and scientific institutes in order to consolidate their efforts and coordinate their activities to improve the degree system for training forest specialists.

The participants of the meeting discussed the prospects and priority directions of the development of branch education, regulatory and methodological support for the functioning of educational institutions, state education standards, and also raised the issue of the coherence of educational plans. Since the event took place during the XXIV International Woodworking Exhibition and the IV All-Ukrainian Forest Industry Forum, it was an opportunity to communicate with stakeholders and establish possible cooperation.

The working meeting "Industrial education: step-by-step approach and cooperation with business" took place efficiently and productively. We are grateful for the active participation in the event to the representatives of: Higher Vocational School No. 19 of Drohobych; Ivano-Frankivsk Higher Art Vocational College No. 3; Zhytomyr Technological Vocational College KNUBA; Transcarpathian forestry technical college of NLTU of Ukraine; Kolomyysky VPU No. 14; Kolomyia Polytechnic Vocational College; Kremenets Forestry Technical College; Lutsk VPU of Construction and Architecture; Lviv Higher Professional Polytechnic School; Lviv Higher Professional School of Design and Construction; Lviv Higher Professional Art School; Malyna Vocational College; Prykarpattia Vocational College of Forestry and Tourism; Storozhinetsk Forestry College; Stryi Higher Art Professional School; Technological College of NLTU of Ukraine; Artistic vocational and technical school named after Y. Stanka; Shatsky forestry college named after V. Sulka.

Professional and higher education are not competitors; they should harmoniously complement and strengthen each other. This applies not only to students but also to improving the professional training of teachers. The National Forestry University of Ukraine has every opportunity to become a resource center that could guarantee educational and scientific, personnel, material, technical, theoretical, and methodological support.

1 al esCompleting the study of the discipline "Economic analysis of investment projects", students of the educational and professional program "Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources,", as well as the educational and scientific program of the same specialty, met in virtual space with Dr. S. Michalakopoulos, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Valladolid, Spain. S. Michalakopoulos is an information technology researcher who received a PhD degree from King's College London in 2010. He has over twenty-five years of experience as a researcher and software developer, particularly in the fields of artificial intelligence, big data, and bioinformatics. Currently works in the forestry sector. Another of his passions is teaching. However, Dr. S. Michalakopoulos has not yet worked with Ukrainian scientists and students, so this meeting was interesting for both sides.

The topic of Dr. S. Michalakopoulos' presentation is "Artificial Intelligence and Ecosystem Services." The concept of ecosystem services is one of the most basic ones in modern ecological and economic discourse. Therefore, in the framework of the discipline "Economic analysis of investment projects", as well as other disciplines of the above-mentioned educational and scientific program, students were told a lot about modern theoretical approaches and methods of determining and taking into account the value and cost of ecosystem services, the role of which is fundamental to human life and well-being.

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This lecture introduced students to the modern global practice of using artificial intelligence technologies—a powerful tool for identification and fairly accurate quantitative and qualitative assessment of the structure and composition of ecosystems—for the performance of relevant practical tasks, in particular: preventing the collision of vehicles with animals; sorting wood; identifying plant diseases; determining forest productivity with assessment of site productivity index; classification and monitoring of urban trees; application of LiDAR-3D software for tree description; mapping of sapling placement, etc. It should be noted that the University of Valladolid recently held the conference "Artificial Intelligence in Ecosystem Management", the materials of which can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/@yuteratvpalencia3661/videos">YouTube.

The second half of the meeting was no less interesting, dynamic, and professional when students asked the speaker questions about artificial intelligence technologies and their application in natural resource management. It is worth noting that Dr. S. Michalakopoulos noted the high level of English and knowledge of information technologies among the students, which contributed to the emergence of an interesting professional discussion.

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This meeting broadened the understanding of the practical application of the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills, in particular the tools of artificial intelligence, specifically in the field of nature management, based on the experience and practice of different countries. Perhaps it will influence the topic of students' research or their future professional activities.

DSC06317On May 29, 2023, the award ceremony of the Lviv Regional Military Administration and the Lviv Regional Council for employees of scientific institutions and higher education institutions of the Lviv Region took place in the House of Scientists. The awards were presented by the head of the Lviv Regional Military Administration, Maksym Kozytskyi, his deputy, Ivan Sobko, and the director of the Department of Education and Science, Oleg Paska.

"A state has a chance to become a real state when science is alive in it. Even during this war, we clearly see that the war is won by people, but people who are armed with modern technologies and knowledge," the head of the region noted. Maksym Kozytskyi thanked the scientists for the fact that, despite having hundreds of opportunities, they stayed to work in Ukraine.

This year, 306 employees of scientific institutions and institutions of higher education submitted candidacies to participate in the competitive selection. According to the results of the competitive selection, 171 teachers and scientists received regional awards.

Among the laureates is Seneta Zoryana, a graduate student at our university.

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"I am sincerely thankful to my native Ukrainian National Forestry University, the teachers of the Department of Environmental Economics and Business, and my scientific supervisor Ion Dubovich for the opportunity to be one of the laureates of the regional award for employees of scientific institutions and higher education institutions of the Lviv region in 2023," said Zoryana when receiving the award.

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