- Деталі
- Категорія: Міжнародні проекти
Joint Digital Future Project
A Ukrainian-German Partnership for digital supported
Learning and Teaching
From September 2020, the two partner universities - Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development and Ukrainian National Forestry University in Lviv - are jointly implementing a project funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
The main goal of the project is the integration and professionalisation of digital methods into learning and teaching of both universities.
Key element to reach this goal is the conceptualisation and implementation of a cross-university blended learning module and training course „Project Development and Proposal Writing“ that is addressed to graduate students and university staff.
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2022
Main Aim
- Integration of high quality methods and standards in
digital supported learning and teaching at both universities - Joint training of graduate students and university staff of both
universities in project planning and acquiring third party funding - Strengthening and extending the international
cooperation and network between both universities
- Survey with university members about needs and interests (Link will follow)
- E-learning training workshop for lecturers (see below)
- Pilot application, evaluation and adjustment of the course “Project Development and Proposal Development” (see below)
Training Workshop “E-Learning tools and their application” |
Course “Project Development
Target audience
Number of possible participants
Target audiences:
Pilot application
Requirements for participation
Requirements for participation
Our partner university is Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development
Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (EUSD) was founded in 1830 as a higher forestry school in Eberswalde. This university is constantly focused on sustainable development, the environment and nature conservation, which makes it a leader in Germany in terms of "green" learning.
EUSD is one of the most research universities of applied sciences in Germany. It is one of the few universities in Europe that focuses on the research areas of "sustainable rural development" and "sustainable production and use of natural substances". EUSD has long been a pioneer in these subject areas.
The main areas of research include:
- Sustainable development of rural areas
- Regional economic development
- Monitoring and planning in large protected areas
- Geographic information systems (abbreviated GIS) and remote sensing
- Business consulting
- Tourism development
- Organic farming and marketing
- Sustainable production and use of natural products
- Wood processing
- Renewable energy
- Renewable raw materials
- Forest protection
Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development has more than 70 partnerships with colleges, universities and institutes around the world. One of such universities is Ukrainian National Forestry University (UNFU).
Team & Contact
Project Lead EUSD |
Project Coordination |
Student Assistant |
Project Lead UNFU Dr. habil. Vasyl Lavnyy |
Project Coordination Oleksiy Sinkevych |